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    How to install SlapOS on a rPLC or edge server

    Step by step instructions for installing SlapOS on a rPLC Coupler.
    • Last Update:2024-03-14
    • Version:001
    • Language:en


    • How to create an account on Rapid.Space
    • Install SlapOS on an edge server
    • Install SlapOS on a rPLC coupler



    At end of this how to you will have properly setup SlapOs on your edge server and one rPLC coupler. As this process is specific for Rapid.Space most of this how to is actually reusing already created documentation.

    How to create an account on Rapid.Space

    Please follow this how to. It describes the process of getting an account which will be used from now on.

    Install SlapOS on an edge server

    Note: you will need an edge server. For the purpose of this how to any recent system with at least 8Gb of RAM and 50Gb of disk will do. It should have already been setup with recent Debian 10, Debian 11 or Debian 12.

    The entire process is described in this  how to.

    Install SlapOS on a rPLC coupler

    The entire process is similar to the one already done for the edge server coupler and this how to.