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    How to setup a keep alive network between couplers screenshot 3

    • Last Update:2024-02-23
    • Version:001
    • Language:en

    root@stm32mpl-3:/srv/slapgrid/slappart8# tail -f .slappart8_coupler-opc-ua.log

    [2024-02-23 13:23:34.252 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled
    PLPZEPRPERE 4.254 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled
    PLPZRPRPERE 4.255 (UTC+@000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting
    SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network.

    [2024-02-23 13:23:34.256 (UTC+@000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate wil

    [2024-02-23 13:23:34.259 (UTC+@000)] info/userland Pubsub channel requested

    PLPZEPRPERE 4.269 (UTC+@000)] info/session securechannel 0 | Session "Administrator” | AddNode (ns:

    200): The value is empty. But this is only allowed for BaseDataType. Create a matching default value.

    [2024-02-23 13:23:34.272 (UTC+0000)] info/server subscription @ | MonitoredItem 1 | Created the MonitoredItem
    sampling Interval: 50.00ms, Queue Size: 1)

    [2024-02-23 13:23:34.278 (UTC+@000)] info/network TCP network layer listening on opc.tcp://stm32mpl-3:4840/
    PLPZRPRPERE 4.325 (UTC+@000)] info/userland UP (recovered 0 times): 1

    [2024-02-23 13:23:34.325 (UTC+0000)] info/userland Go_to NORMAL MODE